About Me

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livonia, michigan, United States
My name is Natasha Nicole Gotts, I am 15, I am a freshman at Stevenson Highschool. I am in Mr. Fielder's 5th hour. I love to act and sing. I am a gymnast. I love doing cartwheels and flips. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers,. I was adopted when I was 3 and have 3 other brothers and two other sisters. so all together I have 4 brothers (all younger) and 4 sisters (3 older and; one younger) I do love the people in my life but I dont live it! but life as we know it is passing us by one day at a time, you just gotta make the most of it!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

#10 EDP

I took the EDP test in my language arts class which Mr. Fielder is currently teaching. The test wasn’t that hard but just choosing two was the hard part. The two careers that I chose were actress / actor and choreographer / dance instructor. Even though I still have a long way to graduating, I still want to think about the future. Yet I still have three more years to go, I want to be prepared. I heard that it’s good to think early what you want to do in life, because then you can go to school to learn about what you want to do in life. It’s also good to have a backup plan just in case the first doesn’t work out in the future.

I chose actress/ actor because I love to act, it’s an interest of mine that I’ve wanted to try ever since I was a little girl. I have many skills in acting, a lot that not many actors or actresses can do. One of them is crying, yeah everyone can cry, but not like me. Ok here’s the thing I can cry, and I can fake cry, they both look like the same thing, but no one will ever know. But there’s a way you can know but that’s my little secret. Everyone has their little secrets, and so do I. my brothers and sisters agree when I say I will be a great actress when I get older.

Another career I chose was choreographer/ dance instructor. The main reason I chose this career out of all the other ones was because when I was little my older sisters and I, would dance to music, and they would let me make up the dances, and they would be really good. Like extremely good, we would show my mom and dad. They knew I loved to make up stuff and knew I was really good at it. I always knew I was creative. Everyone told me that as I got older. I told myself when I got older I wanted to be a dance instructor, or another word for it was choreographer.

I chose these two careers because these are the things that I love to do, everyone has a dream right, now I have mine. Everyone has a chance in life, why can’t I? These are my favorite things to do, I have more favorites but these two are what I chose. I am going to try and make it in life the way I want it not the way people tell me to, I am my own person and I want to keep it that way. Yeah I know I will end up having a boss but that can’t stop me from living my dream in the mean time. I love what I want to do in the future, and that may change as I get older, or they might not but that is my decision, And only my decision. People might influence me to do something else and I may or may not change what I want to do in life but at least I’m doing what I want.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

career crusing

Acting Instructor


Religious Worker

Community Worker



Elementary School Teacher

Pest Controller

Choreographer / Dance Instructor

School Counselor

I took the test for my EDP, and my top ten results were as shown above. The three careers that I want to explore more are actress / actor; choreographer / dance instructor; and an acting instructor. All three of these jobs seem fit for me and I also enjoy doing these and will love to do at least one of them in the future.

I love to act, I’ve always wanted to be an actress when I got older my brothers and sisters think I will be a great actress, one of my skills is that I can really cry, and then I can fake cry, they look the same but no one will ever know which one is which. Laugh out loud!!!!!

I also love to dance, I used to be in a class from the age 4 to the age 7. (I believe) and I also love to teach it. You got to be able to do it before you can teach it. I am not currently in a class right now, but I still like to dance to the music when I’m with myself or my friends.

Last but not least I also (like I said before) love to act and I also like to teach. I’m a very good actress and I would like to teach it to other people some day in the future. An acting instructor was also my number one so I know I’m good at it and will be good at it in the future.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Haunting

My Halloween weekends are usually boring but this Halloween was the best even though I didn’t get much candy, My Halloween weekend includes: my plans; my favorite Halloween costume; Halloween candy; and the scary movies I watched. I love Halloween its one of my favorite holidays!!!!!!! But for a few years it hasn’t been the best.

My plans included wearing my hot costume, going trick or treating, getting a lot of candy and I mean a lot, you can never have too much candy…or was that glitter? Anyway then going home with a few friends and watch all the saw movies. Candy is good but if I eat too much of it I will get fat! And if you don’t believe me then you should have seen me last year, last year I had like three bags worth and ate it all in a couple weeks I got fat. But during the summer I lost it all it was hard but I lost it. I don’t know what it is but in the winter I gain more pounds from eating a lot of candy, but in the summer I lose it all. Freaky isn’t it?

My favorite Halloween costume was a naughty nun……. May seem bad but it actually wasn’t until I made it hot. I made the dress shorter, and yes I was freezing. And I wore these high heels that I could barely walk in. my friend fixed my bra to look like I had bigger ones, but you probably didn’t want to know that. But yeah that was my favorite costume. Other than the witch that I was for five years I saved my mom so much money. Every year my mom has to buy Halloween costumes for five people, and spends all this money just for one night.

This year I didn’t get much candy but last year I got almost like three bags worth. Yeah that’s a lot; it’s just where you go. But I have no more candy…..I ate it all. But it really wasn’t all that much. Now I’m going to get fat because I ate all my candy in one week.

Halloween night after trick or treating I had friends over and we watched all the saws. Saw to saw five. I don’t have Saw six yet. My favorite was Saw two. This Halloween wasn’t as much fun as last year but I still had fun!!!!!

A perfect Day

On the morning of 10-26-09 I woke up and before I knew it the little bird on my shoulder was telling me that I was going to die in 24 hours. Still in shock from what I had just heard, I asked again. I stood there thinking in my bed, how I was supposed to spend my last day on earth, I told myself I was going to make the last 24 hours of my life the way I want it!

In the morning I would wake up to the smell of bacon, pancakes, and whatever my mom made that morning, my mouth all watery, making my way out of bed and down the stairs into the aroma of the breakfast my mom had made. I poured some ice cold orange juice into my tall glass. I took a sip and set it back down on the table. I took my fork and stuck it into one of the pancakes on the platter and plopped in on to my plate. Leaving five small holes left from the fork.

Then I grabbed two pieces of bacon and set them on my plate, making sure I got some because the other pig eaters in my house hold. After I buttered my pancake and squirted syrup all over my plate I ate my scrumptious pancakes, and chewed my bacon. I drank the rest of my ice cold orange juice; I could feel the coldness of the juice running down my throat, Kind of gave me chills, also Goosebumps because it was really cold. When I finished eating I took my plate to the sink ran it under hot water to get the sticky syrup off of my plate, and stuck it in the dishwasher.

Then after I got dressed and packed I had my mom take me to my best friend Haley Marie matalucci’s house, when I got there they were already packed and in the car, I put my bags in, and we were on our way to the airport. As I sat in the car I started to cry, knowing that I’m 24 hours from my death. But I didn’t want to spend my few hours alive crying so I pulled myself together. Before I knew it I was at the airport. Carrying my bags from the car to the moving belt that takes my bags to the plane wasn’t really that hard. The plane ride was so cool.

Before take off the bell for seatbelts sign went off. I sat in my seat and buckled my seatbelt. And waited for the plane to take off. After a few hours we landed in Arizona. The place I always wanted to be especially with my new favorite family! I don’t know who I rather spend it with but them, they are my life and I love them. Then I would die peacefully and right where I need to be.